TW Automation

United States, Lenexa , Kansas
0-9 employees
TW Automation is a validated HowToRobot supplier

This supplier's business information has been validated by the supplier

Company description

TW Automation is currently celebrating 23 years as a robotics automation systems solutions provider and integrator. Over all those years TW Automation developed a tremendous amount of in-depth robotic welding knowledge. The company has developed turn key solutions for simple weld cells as well as more complex projects that required overhead gantries, floor travelers, sky hooks and 5-axis positioners. More recently TW Automation has participated in the rapid growth of industrial robots in other applications that include material handling, machine tending, plasma cutting, assembly, water jet cutting and palletizing.


Today, TW Automation is an innovative turn key solutions provider for a broad spectrum of cost effective factory automation systems. Much has changed in industry over the past 23 years, but our focus remains constant: TW Automation will go the required distance for each client, every time. TW Automation will be there every step of the project timeline, from conceptual development, to project management, through the production phase, to testing and run off, to installation, training and ongoing service support throughout the useful life of the system.

Company details


8190 Nieman Road
Lenexa, KS 66214
United States


This supplier has not yet informed about any brands

Company competencies

Solution types

Assembly & Dispensing

Finishing & Sanding

Handling & Picking

Inspection & Quality Control

Logistics & Storage

Machining & Shearing

Packing & Palletizing

Painting & Coating

Printing & Labeling

Welding & Soldering


Target industries

Agriculture & Forestry



Electronics & Technology


Food & Beverage

Metal & Machinery


Paper & Pulp


Rubber & Plastic


Customer references

This supplier has not yet informed about any customer references

Robot catalogue

This supplier has not yet informed about any products

Company addresses

Head office

8190 Nieman Road
66214 Lenexa
United States

Local office

8190 Nieman Road
66214 Lenexa
United States

Contact persons