Heartland Automation

United States, Georgetown , Kentucky
20-49 employees
Heartland Automation is a validated HowToRobot supplier

This supplier's business information has been validated by the supplier

Company description

At Heartland Automation, we collaborate with our clients to plan and deploy turnkey material handling solutions. From our boots on the ground site analysis to our 24/7 support, we are committed to being your long-term material-handling solutions partner. We want to be as immersed in your desired outcomes as you are: less wasted time, efficient material handling, faster time to market. We are passionate about addressing the dull, dirty, and dangerous jobs using innovative autonomous solutions.


Our secret is simple: We start by actively listening to you.

We won’t talk to you about the what and how until we understand your why.

Company details


106 Supply Court
Georgetown, KY 40324
United States


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Company competencies

Solution types

Assembly & Dispensing

Handling & Picking

Container emptying

Destacking & Deracking

Pick & place

Inspection & Quality Control

Logistics & Storage

Internal transport

Other logistics & storage

Machining & Shearing

Packing & Palletizing

Case erecting & Sealing



Welding & Soldering


Target industries


Electronics & Technology

Food & Beverage


Customer references

This supplier has not yet informed about any customer references

Robot catalogue

This supplier has not yet informed about any products

Company addresses

Head office

106 Supply Court
40324 Georgetown
United States

Contact persons

Wendy Fryer

Coordinator Of Sales


Marty Petraitis

Vice President

mpetraitis@heartland-automation.com +19783943410